Thursday, December 6, 2007

See me later

I love my friend. I cheered her up on a bad day. She called a friend to tell them she is feeling better and listens to their day. She makes them feel better about it by listening lovingly.

She would not have called if she was feeling badly herself. My love for her and my help in lifting her spirits let her lovingly listen and care about another. Her friend was encouraged and cheered up. She was better able to love her family because she was lifted up.

Cheered up, lifted their spirit. Loved. Connections. Who is to say how far the love you shared with one person will reach? I think Love connects us to others who love others into infinity.

I believe death, dying and dead are the wrong words for the events described. I think words of change like transmogrification, transmogrifing and transmogrified seem more correct to me. It is a process of change. You are not deleted, you are just different than what we know here.

Change can cause a fear reaction. Fear is normal when you face the unknown or strange. To think you will be "not" or that you will only be "gone" and your body food for worms makes some people afraid. As you come to know that when you shed this flesh you will be your perfect self; your perfect spirit, still aware, living and loving, you are not afraid.

We identify parts of the planet as ours, home, school, work, vacation spots are all places we went once as strangers but over time became familiar and safe. A new place always feels different than what we are used to but we are not afraid of trying to enjoy our days there. It's just new and different experiences.

That is what I believe happens when you no longer are linked to your body. You go to a new environment but still yourself. You will have new and different things to learn and do, new people to meet and love as well as the ones you already love who went before you.

From Johin 14: And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, you may be also. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. At that day you will know that I am in my Father and you in me, and I in you.

From Johin 16:22, I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man can take from you.

From the Strong's concordence all the words for you, me, I and my are just what they mean. The self that was Jesus will meet us. Each spirit and soul is part of God and each of us is on our own path back to God.

This year, each day, I will try to think of myself as a loving and perfect spirit first alive in the gift He gave me of a body second.

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