Thursday, September 10, 2009


I've covered this before but it comes back over and over. The Divine Love is so pure it feels like liquid truth...I can't say it better.

Truth is so much a part of love that they can't be separated.

When you use untruths to those you love it twists something in you because YOU know it is not truth.

The other person now has false information to work with between you. They believe you. Your lie is their truth.

Now the balance is off between you but you are the only one who knows it.

When all the lies you have told come together in the day you need the truth between you they are hurt, your love together is hurt badly and you have shown yourself as untrustworthy.

Really - is it worth looking perfect to lie?

We're not perfect. We make mistakes. We hurt each other. But if you keep it all in the daylight, nothing to hide, it can be dealt with between you.

I'll find the verses that go with this later, it is in the book.

But I am glad I have kept what I do and where I walk in the light. I have no shame and nothing to hide in my life now.

I have done things in the past that shame me. I like walking without that in my life.

It's hard to be honest. And it's hard to find honest words that don't hurt. But it's loving to be truthful with each other. It's not loving to lie.

I gotta go with the love.

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