Sunday, May 17, 2009

The perfect gift for everyone

There is only one you.
In all of creation,
from this tiny planet
to the furthest reaches of the universe,

No other one anywhere
can ever have or be.
Your self.

Sharing your love with another
is the most precious gift
you can give,
for there is no other that can offer it.
They can recieve it only from you.

When someone offers you
their time,
their thoughts,
their trust -
it can not be duplicated
or replaced
by those same things from any other.

Each time
we take someone
into our lives
it creates a joining,
between us;
our self and that one other soul.
are a pair
that can never be recreated
by any other love
in our lives.

Each of us is unique.
Each friendship is unique.
Each love is unique.
You can share everything you are
with everyone you meet
and it will never be the same
as it was with another one.

It will still be love.
It will still be precious.
It will still bring joy.
But it will never be the same
as any other love
you have in your life.

You can not give the love you have
for one to another.
You can only grow a new
and unique love
with that other.

So in each person
resides the capacity
to love many
like they are the only love
in their life.
Because each one you love
is the only one of them
in creation.

Only you can give this gift,
your love,
to another here.
It can not be taken from you,
forced from you,
stolen from you or
duplicated by another.
Love is always,
and only
a unique gift.

The rarest of treasures,
and most precious of gifts
is when one you love
loves the only one of you.

A giving of your love
creates a great love.
You always have
your unique love
to give to any other
you choose.
(return to top)

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