Monday, May 25, 2009


We were talking about teaching and nourishing our spirits on the board today. I had this email come through last week. I'm sharing here because it explains so much so simply.

A man reached the pearly gates and before he decided to walk through, ask St. Peter to show him heaven and hell, so he could chose. The Saint agreed and led him to a room with two doors.

Behind the first door was a hugh table full of people with a feast spread out in front of them. Each person had long spoons instead of arms. All the people there were starving. They were fighting with each other trying to get to the food, but the spoons were too long to let them get it to their mouths even when they did get a bit..."That's hell", said St. Peter.

Behind the next door was the same scene, a hugh table of food and people all around it. These people also had long spoons instead of arms, but they were well fed, healthy, laughing and chatting...."That's heaven", said St. Peter, as he closed the door.

"What is the difference?", the man asked, "Both places were the same but for the way the people acted...."

Saint Peter answered, "The people in heaven have learned to feed each other."

It's not just food we need here. We need to feed each other's spirits. That is why I opened a new forum on my website last week. It's a place for comfort and feeding your spirit.
My readers here are welcomed there. The link is on the side bar - Dead is Just a Four Letter Word. When you get there, click on the "Forum" link in the menu. You have to register to post, but you can read all you want.
This is my "coming out". Many have not made the connection between this site and that one. I maintain them both. They are mine. Also on the side bar here is Forward Ho, which is my daily blog. I'm going there now to post the new site.
I hope you will join us.

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