Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Where's the line?

How far can (will, should, could, may, do) I go? How far will I reach out to another? How far is too far? Is there a limit on how far the Divine Love can support and provide for me? Is it possible to "over reach" myself? Have I gone too far?

I'm in it again up to my neck and maybe even my lips....I have been giving what I do not feel I have too share. I am giving more than I think I have to share. I am going further than social limits, further than family limits and even reaching beyond my previous limits to show loving care and help to others. I'm putting almost all I can see a way to share on the line and then stepping over it a little further...

It's scary. I could really screw myself up doing this. Can't I? Or can the Love that created all fail to raise me over the limits I impose on my ability to share?

Well, duh. I can reach further than God can. I can share more than Love can provide. I can offer more than I can give because I may not have enough for me.

Sometimes I feel pretty stupid and heartless. Why do I keep thinking (at all, LOL) that my needs, as infimetesimal as they are, can't be met? What makes me think that I have so much more loving care in my heart for others than the Divine Love holds for them?

I can give it all away or have it all taken away and it will all come to me again as I need it.

How can you reach out too far when you reach with love?

There ain't no line except the ones we draw ourselves. I'm gonna use my eraser a bunch and do what it seems was brought to me to do.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just right

If you read the post before this one then you are caught up.

Now I have to add this - Every bit of what I put in of my own contribution to beef up the tithe has been returned to me. If you figure the mileage out the gas was covered, too.

I lost a check a while ago. It was reissued yesterday. There was tithe from another person directed to me. The total was what I put out for my friend and the gas. Honest.

It's just so strange to see the needs met around me and then see my own met with no communication directed to any of those that contribute. It just happens. We feel like we need to do something or go visit someone or drop off a meal or whatever and it turns out to be just what was needed.

I think I need one thing and I recieve another. I have someone ask for something and fill the need with something else.

Being open to any possible answer is something I have been working on. I don't seek "money", I ask for the need I see or feel to be met in any loving way. It seems to make a difference.

By having a thought in my head like, "I need X to come to me in this way," I think it limits the invisible to what I see as possible or impossible. If I just say, "This one has this need and I'm asking you to fill it, thanks," I leave it open ended in my head. I have made no limit in myself to accepting the way the Love manifests itself.

It's a combination of words have power, intentions are actions and Love is always the right answer, I think.

Whatever it is, I see it is real here. It's just right.

Friday, June 6, 2008

It's all about the love. (But I can't, I'm tired.)

I was too tired last night, I thought, to make the effort to deliver what I call my tithe to where I felt it needed to go. I went to the bank and then pulled up to the intersection that would start my trip to the house.

I put my turn signal on for a right. I proceeded to annoy several other drivers when my hand changed it's mind, turned the signal off and drove me straight through the intersection. It really seemed like that, even though I must have made the decision to let it. Right?

"But I always stay too long when I go there", I told me. "I'm beat already and there are chores to do and I haven't eaten and I'm too tired. Why can't it wait until tomorrow?" No, now is the time, is what I felt told.

I have followed the "feelings" too long not to know it must be the right way for me to go. I gave in to it, called the person I had intended to have coffee with and took a rain check then, more carefully, negociated the traffic to get up north.

It's really not my abundance I am sharing when I "invest in futures" for the Divine Love. It's all His. He gave me enough to share. He directed me to where I saw the need and provided the means to meet it. All I had to do was get it there in the right amount at the right time.

"I won't have enough for me..." - I started discussing it with Him in my head. I went over the bills, the chores, the house repairs, the yard work and pointed out I don't have time, money or energy to spare for them if I'm putting all I have out here in energy, time, gas and finances. No change. So I went on up.

Funny, I pulled around the corner just in time to see my friend turning toward the driveway. They smiled to see me coming. That lifted my heart. I smiled back.

There is more than a need for just a little financial boost there. There are sad hearts and hurt hearts and dreams and love hiding behind barracades of hurt there. I touched where I could and encouraged where I could and smiled where I could. It seemed to lighten things up there.

After a little basic math I thought I might have to be a little more helpful than I planned on. I took a moment to get alone and pray because the number in my pocket didn't feel like "enough". It was the number by the book, I guess it wasn't the number by the Love.

I ended up knowing I had to "show a little more love." The "why of it" was that I know the Divine Love takes care of me. What it needs, it covers. Others can't see it that way. They can only see the way I live. To show it's real to me I have to live it. So that means putting it out there - when I am tired, when I am discouraged, when I feel neglected, when I have other things to do that may seem needed, it doesn't matter. Showing the love - the Divine and my own small bit - are real is what's important. It's all that counts. If I have something still in my hand that another needs worse I will be unhappy with me. I don't like that.

I went. I added a "personal contribution" to the tithe. I did stay too long. I did enjoy the visit. I can't and couldn't heal all that I saw that hurt, but I did what I can. I did get home to late and I am still tired.

So why am I content? Before I left for the night I knew what I had done was "just right". It was the amount needed right then; Not tomorrow, but right then. It was needed in hand that night for the tomorrow to go as it should. Without it the need would have been unmet.

I hadn't wasted my time. I had applied it properly and I am glad I did it. It eased a heart, salved a pride, walked a person a little taller, and shared the love all at the same time. Wow.

It's not "just money" being thrown at a situation. It was my time, the only thing that is mine to spend as I think it should be, it was my gas, something I need for getting to work, it was my heart, in that I cared and showed it, it was my smile that said, "I believe you're going to be okay." and the comfort I offered in having a few more people know they aren't in this life alone.

I know I showed the most love I can. I know it was right and I know it will be covered somehow. I love the warm fuzzy of helping someone. I love that I had a way to do it and I love it that the Divine Love is one heart bigger today because another heart turned to it and said a sincere "Thank You."

I still need a nap - but it's all about the love.

had to add this P.S. I really did do all I felt I could to help my friend. When I talked to them the next day their words really touched me. They had to get some auto parts and gas then go take care of the project I was trying to help with. "I got there and they told me what it would cost. It was exactly what I had in my pocket."

Yes, that's a quote. Yes, they said "exactly". It took every bit they had, but they had every bit they needed.

I'm glad I made the effort and I'm thrilled they are seeing the Divine Love working in their life.

I see it is working in mine....Wow.