Friday, June 6, 2008

It's all about the love. (But I can't, I'm tired.)

I was too tired last night, I thought, to make the effort to deliver what I call my tithe to where I felt it needed to go. I went to the bank and then pulled up to the intersection that would start my trip to the house.

I put my turn signal on for a right. I proceeded to annoy several other drivers when my hand changed it's mind, turned the signal off and drove me straight through the intersection. It really seemed like that, even though I must have made the decision to let it. Right?

"But I always stay too long when I go there", I told me. "I'm beat already and there are chores to do and I haven't eaten and I'm too tired. Why can't it wait until tomorrow?" No, now is the time, is what I felt told.

I have followed the "feelings" too long not to know it must be the right way for me to go. I gave in to it, called the person I had intended to have coffee with and took a rain check then, more carefully, negociated the traffic to get up north.

It's really not my abundance I am sharing when I "invest in futures" for the Divine Love. It's all His. He gave me enough to share. He directed me to where I saw the need and provided the means to meet it. All I had to do was get it there in the right amount at the right time.

"I won't have enough for me..." - I started discussing it with Him in my head. I went over the bills, the chores, the house repairs, the yard work and pointed out I don't have time, money or energy to spare for them if I'm putting all I have out here in energy, time, gas and finances. No change. So I went on up.

Funny, I pulled around the corner just in time to see my friend turning toward the driveway. They smiled to see me coming. That lifted my heart. I smiled back.

There is more than a need for just a little financial boost there. There are sad hearts and hurt hearts and dreams and love hiding behind barracades of hurt there. I touched where I could and encouraged where I could and smiled where I could. It seemed to lighten things up there.

After a little basic math I thought I might have to be a little more helpful than I planned on. I took a moment to get alone and pray because the number in my pocket didn't feel like "enough". It was the number by the book, I guess it wasn't the number by the Love.

I ended up knowing I had to "show a little more love." The "why of it" was that I know the Divine Love takes care of me. What it needs, it covers. Others can't see it that way. They can only see the way I live. To show it's real to me I have to live it. So that means putting it out there - when I am tired, when I am discouraged, when I feel neglected, when I have other things to do that may seem needed, it doesn't matter. Showing the love - the Divine and my own small bit - are real is what's important. It's all that counts. If I have something still in my hand that another needs worse I will be unhappy with me. I don't like that.

I went. I added a "personal contribution" to the tithe. I did stay too long. I did enjoy the visit. I can't and couldn't heal all that I saw that hurt, but I did what I can. I did get home to late and I am still tired.

So why am I content? Before I left for the night I knew what I had done was "just right". It was the amount needed right then; Not tomorrow, but right then. It was needed in hand that night for the tomorrow to go as it should. Without it the need would have been unmet.

I hadn't wasted my time. I had applied it properly and I am glad I did it. It eased a heart, salved a pride, walked a person a little taller, and shared the love all at the same time. Wow.

It's not "just money" being thrown at a situation. It was my time, the only thing that is mine to spend as I think it should be, it was my gas, something I need for getting to work, it was my heart, in that I cared and showed it, it was my smile that said, "I believe you're going to be okay." and the comfort I offered in having a few more people know they aren't in this life alone.

I know I showed the most love I can. I know it was right and I know it will be covered somehow. I love the warm fuzzy of helping someone. I love that I had a way to do it and I love it that the Divine Love is one heart bigger today because another heart turned to it and said a sincere "Thank You."

I still need a nap - but it's all about the love.

had to add this P.S. I really did do all I felt I could to help my friend. When I talked to them the next day their words really touched me. They had to get some auto parts and gas then go take care of the project I was trying to help with. "I got there and they told me what it would cost. It was exactly what I had in my pocket."

Yes, that's a quote. Yes, they said "exactly". It took every bit they had, but they had every bit they needed.

I'm glad I made the effort and I'm thrilled they are seeing the Divine Love working in their life.

I see it is working in mine....Wow.

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