Friday, July 11, 2008


I have been "doing" more than "thinking" lately. I came to the conclusion that that is as it should be. Lofty thoughts never got the dishes done, so to speak.

I haven't stopped my relationship with the Divine so much as come to trust that Being to guide me as I go. I don't have to stop every second and write a thought down to share, I think I have to reach out to those around me and apply the beliefs I hold.

Like do unto others, it's all just stuff and stuff all just burns up, love 'em while ya got 'em, find the joy in the day, and put my energy and time where my pen is.....

That's some mangling of the language...sorry.

I got hit by a song today on the radio as I drove to work. It just made me cry. It wasn't "Last Kiss" or "Leader of the Pack" or even "He stopped loving her today". Those all touch my heart.

It was "I will survive".

However confused and painful the days are; even if the days are good in my determination; I will survive - forever.

I may royally screw up. I may fail in my estimation of not succeeding. I might even blow it all off and run off to a beach and leave it all behind me and change my name. I can still hurt myself and others here. I can still spend nights crying in lonliness. I can get mad, mean, even, snotty, crude, rude and thoughtless.

I don't chose that right now - but I could. Some days I lean toward the hard side of me more than I like even still.

But I will survive. I am loved just as I am. I am just as beautiful a creation now as I was when I stood before that Being of Love I met when I died.

What a gift - Grace.

Loved for being exactly as you are. No judgement, just acceptance of all of your self.

Thank you.

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