Friday, April 4, 2008

Thank you for the good day

I was thinking that the warm, sunny days are supposed to be good. But they are what thaws the earth. When the rain comes, like today, that thaw is bad. Our perspective changes.

It was good to walk in the warm and sun of that day but now it's results might be seen as bad if you have to get through the mud or have seed to plant.

Rainy days are supposed to be bad; Gray and gloomy inside days of chilly damp lower our mood. But we have time as a family that we don't have in good weather when we all scatter to our fun and chores.

Rain gives us water to drink, baths and showers. The crops will need it soon, to sprout strong roots. That makes a rainy day good.

When the earth is too wet to plant in and mud is too deep to walk through that's bad.

When we swim and drink and eat the grains and food that grew that rainy day is good.

It was bad when it rained but it's good later. It was good it the warm sunshine but thawed the earth. Neither day was good or bad, both are needed for different things.

The day itself, whatever it brings at the time, is only good in the long run. It's that we can only see a little way that makes us think them good or bad as they come. When you see the years of them behind us, the crops, the trees, the lakes and rivers you can see even snow and ice have been nessesary to life here.

It's a good day. Thank you. It took me awhile to see how to say this and mean it.

Today I might have no one to talk to. That might seem bad at the time. Tomorrow I might be too busy to write. That would be what I did when I had no one to talk to. The day I am in and what it brings it good, if I can remember to see it that way. I can stop whining that it's not the day I would have planned for me and just appreciate what I have in each one.

Not good, not bad, but all needed for my life to be grown and nourished. I can debate it with Him but I have to say I am learning to trust Him to grow me better everyday. I just had to learn to see it. It took a lot of days behind me to understand they all brought me to this one as I am now.

It's a good day. I am good with today. I know it seems an obvious thought all the way through but some of us don't see what may be obvious to others. I thought I put it out here. It will help me to remember to thank Him for the day and my part in it, whatever it may be, and mean it.

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