Thursday, November 29, 2007

Windy thoughts

God is the wind
God is the branch
shaking in the wind

God is the bird
sheltering behind the branch
shaking in the wind

God is watching the bird
on the branch in the wind
through my eyes.

I am the soul
sheltered by His spirit
alive in the body given me.

His love is the light
shining through the wind
reflecting to my eyes all I see.

All I see is good. All he sees is good.
All he touches is good
He touches all.

I can not see, beneath the snow
and the frozen ground,
with brown grass below

into the dark of the earth
where the bulb
with green arms reaches up to me.

I wait for spring
the time of bulbs touching
the light again.

He sees it all and all is good
I know his love
and mine are one.


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